Professional car and yacht designer turned Church of England minister and artist. Here'san introduction to Reverend Adam Gompertz also known as REVS ART - the ScribblingVicar.
After graduating from Coventry University’s transportation design program AdamGompertz immediately went to work for MG Rover as an exterior designer. Unfortunatelythe company shut its doors in 2004 and was later sold to Chinese bidders, so that roledidn’t last very long. He soon joined Design Storz.
Over the next 10 years Gompertz worked as an automotive and yacht designer with wellestablished companies and lectured at Coventry University while working various freelance roles. His last post was with Rolls-Royce’s Bespoke Design department.
But those days are over.... In 2011 he decided to become a Church of England ministerand began training to become a vicar. He is now curate in Lichfield diocese, but his loveof cars and design has never waned.
“I am a lover of many things automotive and of a creator God, who delights in creationand beauty,” Gompertz says as he explains the reasons for creating his his automotiveartwork. “The artwork is a way of combining the two, giving thanks to my creator andenjoying the process of creation.”

Lamborghini Miura
Pen / pastel on paper
101.0 x 76.0
1395.00 or call 07917 248973

Aston Martin DBS3
Framed Print
49.0 x 27.5 (including frame)
90.00 or call 0333 987 5070

Alfa Romeo 158
Framed Print
49.0 x 27.5 (including frame)
90.00 or call 0333 987 5070
